Monday, August 21, 2006

My Latest Favorite CD : Albert Cumming's "Working Man"

Salutations TMB Fans -

I hope that the summer goes well for all of you out there. I have been absolutely delighted about the calls I have been receiving at the studio during my show. Thank You All!

It seems that 3-4 times a years I gush over a particular track, CD or artist. Kirk Fletcher, Janiva Magness. Well, right now, I am gushing over Albert Cummings'"Working Man". Some people have categorized it as "Blues Rock"...perhaps, it is still great solid electric Blues accessible to a wide audience. You can hear and feel the heart and soul Cummings puts into each track. Now, I am not prone to gush to make it a habit or to maintain a tradition. I do like this CD. I have received a few calls regarding the tracks I have aired. So...I will definitely be playing some more.

Hey Albert...Well Done!



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