Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday Morning Meditation with The Blues

Hello TMB Fans -

A huge shoutout (belated, but sincere) to Jim Branca and Tom Buckley for their tremendous live performance on "Those Monday Blues" back on August 20th. Jim, Tom and Marnie were wonderful guests and the music was great. Next time, I will take pictures so you can see the studio filled with musicians including a full upright bass, brought to life by Tommy. The acoustic upright bass, along with Jim's guitar and vocals made for a uniquely intimate musical experience. It is always great to be in the same room with the musicians as they are playing. Blues, Jazz, nearly all kinds of music is best when heard performed live. We are so fortunate to live in Burlington where we have a host of venues to listen to live music from dedicated passionate musicians.

Speaking of live music venues, right now, as I type this, I am listen to a wonderful acoustic/acoustic blues performance by Jerry Craft at the New Moon Cafe/Espresso Bar on Cherry Street in downtown Burlington. I was wondering around downtown about 8:40am lamenting the fact that I would have to wait until at least 9am to patronize a locally owned coffee establishment. As I was walking down Cherry street, just down from the First Congregational Church, I noticed that the usually broaded-up Knight of Columbus hall was replace with a new eatery, New Moon was open. I just had to go in. Eatery, esspresso bar, or hangout, call it what you will, it could very well become my new place for my Sunday Morning Meditation. Of course, the free wifi and leather couches have a lot to do with that. The spacious cosmoplitian ambience, varied & interesting menu, friendly & helpful staff and excellent coffee was enough to seal the deal. What sealed and tied up this deal with a glorious bow was the unexpected surprise of live music. As I reclining deep into one of the leather couches, Jerry Craft came in and start setting up. I was delighted to hear that he was a fan of Robert Johnson and the "Old School" of acoustic blues. His masterful smooth playing displayed not only the best of the old influences but his own own originality. I look forward to hearing Jerry play around town. Maybe, he will honor my show in the future with a live, in-studio performance...hint, hint.

Before I go, I wanted to mention that I caught another live performance of the Left Eye Jump Blues Band at the Backstage Restaurant in Essex Junction. As per Left Eye's tradition, Denny Willmott was out front with his big guitar, big as life and bringing honest live Blues to Vermont. (thank you) "Harmonica" Bob MacKenzie was sitting in again bring that "West Coast Harp" we all know and love. Left Eye is great to watch especially as they loosen up and have fun. At the beginning of the last set, they fell into this huge great groove, deep in the pocket, they just hang out there having fun. It was a huge treat. This is the best thing about live performance with great musicians who are comfortable with their audience, the unexpected ad hoc innovations and "aw hell, let's go with it" improvisations. These are moments, rarely caught in a recording, of musical inspirations and just plain fun where the only thing you can honestly say is "You Just Had to Be There".

Well, gotta run, just wanted to say again, make the time to get out of the house, find a comfy place to sit, order a beverage of your choice, and enjoy some live music. All you have to do is show up.



Monday, August 20, 2007

Another Live Broadcast : Jim Branca & Tom Buckley

Another Live Broadcast of two real Vermont musicians!!! Woo Hoo!!

Jim Branca & Tom Buckley will be performing live in the WWPV studio on August 20. Jim, Tom and the rest of their gang were playing at the Lincoln Inn a few weeks back. My son and I loved Jim's connection with the audience and the music. Jim also has great musical friends who came to visit the show as well, notably, Greg Izor and Bob McKenzie. Both lending their blues harp talents to Jim's excellent guitar work and Tom's rock-solid bass lines.

Monday, July 02, 2007

New Tracks & Sweepers for Today's Show

Hello again TMB and Local Blues Fans -

Just a quick review, My two youngest daughters and I saw the Lefteye Jump Blues Band at the 1820 Coffeehouse & Wine Bar two weekends ago after the Green Mountain Chew-Chew. Recently, My son and I had a chance to go to the Blues Night at the Lincoln Inn and hear Jim Branca with special guest, Greg Izor along with special secret guest appearance of "Harmonica" Bob McKenzie. (I loved watching Jim and Bob tossing musical lines back and forth during their great cover of "Flip, Flip or Fly"). Let me tell you that Lefteye Jump, Jim Branca, Greg Izor, Bob McKenzie, Joe Moore, Nobby Reed, Bill Darrow, Jason Corbiere, Tom Buckley and other great local blues artists are creating a live Blues music scene on this side of the Winooski river. Venues like, 1820 Coffee House and Wine Bar, Lincoln Inn, and Backstage Restaurant are making a serious effort to have live music, including blues music here in Essex-Colchester-Williston corner of Chittenden County. What is a little appreciated fact, these shows all have started at 7pm or 8pm which makes it so easier to bring your kids to a live music performance where you can sit down and enjoy the musicians interacting with the audience, the bandmates and the music. Again, I am not knocking the Burlington music at all. I have seen great shows at Nectars, Parimas, Radio Bean, and other venues. I have even taken my high schoolers to Higher Ground to hear a couple of groups. Sorry for the rambling, I just wanted to share my appreciation to the musicians and venues in Essex for supporting a live Blues music scene where there was no cover charge and all you had to do was show up. Each time I went to a show, I also stayed longer than the hour I allotted myself because it was that much fun.

Today's show will feature some tracks from Jim Branca's CD, "Live" including one of my favorite tunes which I heard live last week, an original song by Jim, "Life's Been Living Me". Also, I will be playing a few more tracks from Dave Howard & The High Rollers' "Sure Bet". I already have some favorite tracks but my middle daughter has a favorite track too. (...but different than mine) All in all, it is a great collection of roots music. As I have mentioned before, Dave Howard is the new lead singer for Roomful of Blues. I have heard Dave Howard live with Roomful at the Champlain Valley Balloon & Music festival a few weeks ago and will anxiously await the release Roomful of Blues' lastest studio effort in the fall. Until then, unless you go to a Roomful of Blues show (...and you should), you will just have to tune into the show to heard Dave's whiskey-soaked baritone on "Sure Bet" and his solo effort "I Tried to Tell You", a collection of country tunes. Now...listen, I am the first to say that if you want to know if someone can sing, have them sing a country tune. It will be obvious, Dave can sing.

Lastly, today will be the premiere of a new radio sweeper that the Ty Curtis Band did for me. (Aw schucks) I love the Ty Curtis Band's debut CD, "Stubborn Mind" but this sweepers also tells me that they have a sense of humor and have fun. My good friend, BoogieKingSteve, the "Tzar of West Coast Blues Programming", tells me that the TCB is as good or better live than their CD. (Isn't that always the case for a great blues band?)

Gotta run and do a show,


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Live at the Lincoln Inn : Jim Branca w/Greg Izor

Hi Ho TMBers ... Just wanted to let you know, this Thursday (June 28) Jim Branca with special guest, Greg Izor, will be at the Lincoln Inn from 7pm - 10pm.

Blues Night at the Lincoln Inn!!! You have heard me talk about it on my show. There is great Blues in Essexy nowadays....1820 Coffee House & Wine Bar, Backstage Restaurant, and Lincoln Inn.

All we have to do to lend our support is show up!

Look for me there, I hope to check the last set, I think I will bring some of my kids too.



Saturday, June 16, 2007

Biking to the Blues

If you have listened to me on the air, you know how much I encourage everyone to our local establishments and listen to local Blues artists. Guess what? I am going to do it again...and again... ;-)

Last week, I rode my bike from my place at Fort Ethan Allen to the Backstage Restaurant in Essex Junction behind the Big Lots building on Pearl Street. I have been going in & out of "The Backstage" for years, various dinners, country rock bands, but never Blues band until recently. "The Backstage" is your basic casual basic pub where you can go with a lot of people, without calling ahead, sit yourself, and have a good time.

I am delighted to say The Backstage has been offering its coveted band stand spot to some great Blues artists recently and hope to make a more regular occurrence. An effort that I support wholeheartedly. No cover charges, just walk, find a table, order some food and beverage, and listen to our local Blues greats like The Bob McKenzie Blues Band (last week) and The Joe Moore Blues Band this week. Behind Bob and Joe on both nights were our legendary local Blues rhythm & groove sideman trio of Bill Darrow (guitar), Tom Buckley (bass) and Jason Corbiere (drums). Those three are so good that they would make me sound good. But behind real Bluesmen, Like Bob McKenzie (harmonica, vocals) or Joe Moore (sax, vocals), that is just great Blues music live in our backyards. Only a short drive or bike ride away! Remember no cover charges, so that leaves more money for a second order of wings.

The Joe Moore Blues Band played last Thursday Night to a small but very appreciative audience. Joe's moved from baritone to alto to tender sax with smile and ease as well as holding down the duties of the lead vocalist. This is no small task where it looks like it takes the same amount of air and pressure to carry a swing blues lick on a bary sax as it would to inflate a tire for a dump truck. Joe did a great job. I hope that you all get to hear him this coming week on Thursday (June 21).

Also that night, I caught the last 30 minutes of the Nobby Reed Project at the Lincoln Inn's regular Thursday Blues Night. As per his personal tradition, Nobby brought the fire and monster licks to his electric Blues/Blues Rock guitar. The Nobby Reed Project is a "5-man" swear...there has to be more than 3 guys there because it sounds so full and big. I was also fortunate to acquire Nobby's latest studio effort, his solo effort, Nobby Reed - Here I Am. I will be doing a separate review next week. Let me tell you... I am going to buy a copy for my car and for the house. It is just plain good with contributions from local Blues greats, "Mr. Charlie" Frazier, "Harmonica Bob" McKenzie, Joe Moore , Jason Corbiere, Scott Dubois and Travis Belville. No bad tracks...all good, all different, all Right! ;-)

Remember, it takes to support the Blues is just to show up at a show. Wave, say "hi", listen, and enjoy the live music performed by your Vermont neighbors.

Did I mention I rode my bike too?! It is part of my latest "beer & Blues for carbon" trading scheme. I recently watched Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvient Truth" and was moved to take some sort of action. I thought was there some way to help the planet and support the Blues. Well, there certainly is. I haven't figured the number exactly but for every pound of carbon do not expel into the atmosphere by riding my bike to a Blues show, I can drink and eat an equal amount at the gig. Whadda think? Win-Win for everyone!


John "OneChord" Connors

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Live Blues in our area : The Bob MacKenzie Blues Band, June 7th

How Do Live Blues Music Fans !!!

Check this out....

The Bob MacKenzie Blues Band
Thursday, June 7th, 7pm-11pm
Backstage Restaurant, Essex Jct, Vermont

Harp, Vocals : "Harmonica" Bob MacKenzie
Guitar : Bill Darrow
Bass : Tom Buckley
Drums : Jason Corbiere

You all have heard me rave about each of these musicians at one time or another. Well, here they are again bringing us more live blues music. All we have to do is show up! It doesn't get better than that. It's doesn't better than this.

See you there!



PS: I may be the only one there who will ride a bike to the show. eh, eh

Another Friday Editor of "Those Monday Blues", June 8, 5p-8p EST

Hello Listeners !

Yes, you heard it right. Another Friday edition of "Those Monday Blues" on WWPV 88.7 FM.

"Those Monday Blues", WWPV, 88.7 FM
Friday, June 8, 5pm-8pm EST

Listen on-line, in your car, don't forget to call and say "Hi" if you can safely. Or IM me during the show at the AOL/AIM ScreenName of WWPV887 !


John "OneChord" Connors

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Local Musical Event Extraordinaire : Roomful of Blues, June 1st, In Vermont

Roomful of Blues will be performing here in Vermont at the Champlain Valley Fairgrounds as part of the Vermont Balloon & Music Festival.

Roomful of Blues, June 1st, 8pm, Champlain Valley Fairgrounds, Essex Junction, VT!!!

I will be there! If you see me, make sure you say "Those Monday Blues Rocks!!!"


Monday, May 14, 2007

New Music from a New Artist : The Ty Curtis Band

Great News Fans of "Those Monday Blues" !

Thanks to the generous nature of Blues musicians and certain well-known west coast Blues DJs, WWPV received the "Stubborn Mind" from The Ty Curtis Band.

You all know how I gushed and obsessed over Kirk Fletcher's "Shades of Blue". I am getting that same feeling with this independent artist, Ty Curtis and his debut CD. He wrote or co-wrote each song on the album in a variety of styles and tempos. I can't wait to play the Ty Curtis Band for Vermont. He writes, plays, and sings beyond his years with that authentic sincerity I seek in my favorite Blues CDs from independent artists.

I drove all around town with "Stubborn Mind" blasting in my car. I like the "album" cover picture too. It would make a great poster.

Woo Hoo!!!



Friday, May 11, 2007

A Geat Chance to Hear Blues, Up Close!!!

Hi Ya TMBers -

This is your chance to hear a great local blues band, up close & personal, The Left Eye Jump Blues Band will be playing at the 1820 Coffee House & Wine Bar on Route 15 (Essex) on Saturday, May 12. The music starts at 7pm.

Take an hour or more, listen to live Blues music and hang out with your neighbors.

I will be there!



{Post Script : The show was great!! AquaLad, The Peanut and I caught the whole second set of Left Eye Jump Band w/"Harmonica" Bob MacKenzie providing that Blues harp sound we love so much. LEJ's Dennis Willmott led a completely kick-ass set featuring his acoustic slide work. The band was tight and had fun at the same time. Win-win for everyone in the room. -- OneChord, 05/14/2007}

Thursday, April 26, 2007

RIAA vs. People

Hello TMBers -

Here is an interesting blog, Recording Industry vs The People.

It is really heavy on the "legal stuff" but I even find that interesting. I especially like the RIAA given a high school student 24 hour notice for a deposition requiring him to miss class.

Oh, by the way, the RIAA dropped the case "without prejudice". Interesting. I just find it very disturbing and offensive that RIAA bring the full weight of their legal teams against average citizens who do not have the resources to defend themselves. Thankfully, some have been able to successfully defend themselves against RIAA legal juggernaut.

Scary stuff...RIAA doesn't even have to win, just drain all of your money from you in legal fees defending yourself.

Imagine if they just took all of that money they are spending on legal fees and used to reduce CD prices.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Release : Koko Taylor's "Old School"

Hi Ho TMBers -

You all know by now that I am a big Koko Taylor fan. Instead of writing a CD review, I will just point you in the direction of an excellent review by Milo Miles originally broadcasted on NPR's "Fresh Air" hosted by Terry Gross.

Of course, I will do my part and continue playing Koko Taylor's "Old School" as well as her older classics. It's hard to stop once you start.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Music...and Lots of It!

Hi Ho Loyal Fans ---

Wow...there has been so much new music, I honestly do not know how to start. The best way would be just to list out all of the new music, I have received and played since January.

This is a partial list of artists and their respective releases. (no particular order)

Coco Montoya, "Dirty Deal"
Tommy Castro, "Painkiller"
JJ Grey & Mofro, "Country Ghetto"
Koko Taylor, "Old School"
Doug Cox, "Slide to Freedom"
Watermelon Slim & The Workers, "The Wheel Man"
Shawn Kellerman, "Land of a 1000 Dreams"
Detroit Women, "Sassitude"
Cheryl Lescom, "High Heeled Blues"
Kemp Harris, "Edenton"
Julie Black, "Call Me Angel for Blues"
Frank Goldwasser, "Bluju"
Philip Walker, "Going Back Home"
The Mannish Boys, "Big Plans"
Joan Armatrading, "Into The Blues"
The Rounders, "Wish I Had You"
John Nemeth, "Magic Touch"
Someday Baby, "Backbone Move"
Ruthie Foster, "The Phenonenal Ruthie Foster"
The Holmes Brothers, "State of Grace"

As usual, I keep the "New Stuff" close at hand, so if you make a request, there is a 99% certainty I can get it on the air before your cell phone battery goes dead. ;-) You can even send an instant message (IM). I love listener requests.

Request line : 802-654-2287


John "OneChord" Connors

Thursday, April 12, 2007

In The News : Vermont Blues Proto-Legend, Greg Izor

Yo Yo TMB Fans -

Greg Izor, Vermont's very own Blues Proto-Legend, gets some great "ink" down in Austin, TX. Let me tell you, article's author knows what he is talking about because we all have heard Greg around town when he comes home. It takes great effort and care to pull together small groups of great musicians to play tight, smokey, gut-bucket, from-the-heart Blues where each band member plays a part. There are no small parts in Blues trios and quartets and your ego don't feed the bulldog. Along with his vocal and harmonica talents, Greg has seemed to assemble great little groups that have a great time making great Blues music. Win-Win...and we get to watch.

So...Greg...when you are coming back to the place where you started it all? ;-)



Sunday, April 08, 2007

Another Live Performance on TMB : Thank you, Dawna Hammers!

Just wanted to extend a huge "thank you" to Dawna Hammers for being a great sport and her saintly patience as I attempted to deal with the technical setup for a live performance in the "middle studio" of WWPV. Something we don't do as often as we would like but hopefully we will more often in the future.

Dawna brought her keyboard and shared her original music, two unreleased songs performed live in-studio (Vermont radio debut) along three tracks from her two previous releases, Melody & Deep Inside. We started her in-studio visit with a recording of her "Streets Full of Blues" which another local Vermont Blues artist, Greg Izor who contribute his blues harp talents to this great song.

Another extra bonus, Allison Morse, the Host of one of the premier WWPV world music show "Global Groove" , played another track from Dawna's 2003 release, Melody titled "One Spirit" featuring the vocals and drumming of world-famous Master Drummer Babatunde Olatunji. Allison's show is a perfect compliment and follow-on to my show. Thank you! Allison not only does a great show but it is the first show that comes to mind when you say the phrase "WWPV, Radio That Makes You Smart"

I hope your tune into the show tomorrow (April 8). We have some great new music (but of course.. ;-) ) , funky-Blues-R&B from Greyboy Allstars, new Blues from a well-know British recording star, Joan Armatrading and some new tunes from Ruthie Foster including a great version of "People Grinning in your Face". (Big Thanks to KRVM's "Breakfast With The Blues" Sunday host, BoogieKing Steve for keeping me up to speed on Ruthie's new CD...he knows that I love Ruthie Foster)

See Ya In The Funny Papers!


Note: Dawna Hammers will be performing live at various venues in the Burlington area, Parima's Sunday April 15th, Lincoln Inn on Monday April 16th, and a performance at Burlington's Unitarian-Universalist Church on May 5th.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Roxy Perry : You have heard the track, now see the video

Hi Ho Loyal Fans -

You know how much I respect and admire the independent musician. One of my current favorites is New York's Roxy Perry and her award winning CD "Back in Bluesville". One of the signature tracks from that CD is her powerful & gripping cover of "House of the Rising Sun". You can hear and see her perform that great song.

Monday, March 26, 2007

More Live Music this Side of Burlington

Hi Ho TMBers -

Just wanted to let you, there is another great spot for live music this side of Burlington. I had the great fortune to chance the Trio 119 at Rooney's 1820 Coffee House & Wine Bar.....

(Sadly, my review seemed to have disappeared from the page...I will attempt to reconstruct it at a later date...needless to say, My family and I hade a great time eating wonderful desserts, drinking coffees & hot chocolates, and listening to a great jazz trio. I had breakfast there last Sunday...yum!)

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Release : Koko Taylor's "Old School"

Hello TMB Fans -

The new releases are still coming at us. For this Monday, we have Koko Taylor's "Old School" with an in-store date of April 3. Woo Hoo! This is a brand new studio release by the "Queen of Blues" from Alligator records. Each and every track is authentic unvarnished Koko coming straight at you with no apologies given and none needed. To quote Koko, "This album is hard core blues, down-in-the-basement, as far as you go...that's old school, that's me" If this CD is any indication, her nearly 50 year career shows no signs of slowing down which is great news to all of us.

There are 5 original tunes. I will be playing two of the originals on the show today. But, as usual...If you call in, mention this postings, I will gladly play another track from this excellent CD.



Sunday, March 11, 2007

Help Keep WWPV on the Air

Scary News... The college is considering selling WWPV to Vermont Public Radio in support their All-Classical music format. Please read the Burlington Free Press's article on-line for more details.

In short, Vermont Public Radio (VPR) wants to purchase the 88.7 FM license in order to broadcast their All-Classical music format channel in our area. While it is true that WWPV's could continue to broadcast via the internet, but we know that is not radio broadcasting and the capability to reach a large audience effectively is severely curtailed. Essentially, if the college sells the license, WWPV as a college radio station with diverse musical and community programming will cease to exist. One simple reason...unless you have access to the Internet, you cannot receive internet radio. Can you say "Digital Divide"? The ability to reach out to tens of thousands of potential listeners by just having an inexpensive radio receiver with no access charges, no monthly fees and no subscriptions. There is a reason that radio broadcasting is still a potent and viable media, the ability to reach thousands upon thousands of people inexpensively with high quality audio inexpensively and reliably. Try to listening to WWPV's webstream in your car, out in the quad, or even in your basement while doing chores. VPR already has a webstream for their All-Classical music station.

If you are incline, please send a note, make a phone, or mail a letter to Dr. Marc vanderHeyden telling him that you listen to WWPV on your radio and why you listen to WWPV. As per my tradition: Share your passion and zeal with Dr vanderHeyden politely, respectfully and with courtesy.


Dr. Marc vanderHeyden
Office of the President
Saint Michael’s College
One Winooski Park, Box 1
Colchester, Vermont 05439

Telephone :
Ph: 802-654-2211
Fax : 802-654-2701

Ref :

or email Dr. vanderHeyden directly and please feel free to edit generated note to reflect your personal experiences with WWPV.

Reference: Faculty/Staff Directory , Office of the President

Avi & Celia : The CD Release Party!!!

Hi Ho TMB Fans -

I had the great opportunity to attend the Avi & Celia "Off the Floor" CD release party held at Higher Ground, last Thursday, March 8. Again, just a great show, Avi & Celia along with "The Walking Line" ranged from a classic folk to New Grass to Blues and hard charging Rockin' !

As Avi & Celia demostrated on the show last monday, they are a high energy acoustic duo. I was very impressed with the addition of "The Walking Line" 's drums and bass (upright & fretless electric) to bring the rock-solid-no nonsense full sound that top shelf rhythm section bring to any group.

I will definitely be going to their next show when they are back in town after their gigs in California during their spring break. I am definitely going to get one of their cool t-shirts.



Monday, March 05, 2007

Special Musical Guests : Avi & Celia

"Those Monday Blues" is going to have special musical guests today (3/5), Avi & Celia.

Avi & Celia are celebrating the culmination of years of hard work and gigging with a CD release this week titled "Off The Floor". Their CD party will be at Higher Ground this Thursday, 3/8, starting at 8pm.

Avi & Celia will be the first live performance on "Those Monday Blues". We are honored. I hope I don't screw it up too bad. :-)

Monday, January 22, 2007

New Releases from Alligator : Coco Montoya & The Homles Brothers

Hello esteemed fans of "Those Monday Blues" !

Alligator's first new releases for 2007 are in with two releases from old Alligator favorites, Coco Montoya and The Holmes Brothers.

Coco Montoya's "Dirty Deal" is the latest contribution of stirring vocals and superlative guitar work as only a former member of John Mayall 's Bluesbreakers and Albert Collin's band can bring to the fore.

The Holmes Brothers' "State of Grace" is but their latest addition of noveau Americana-Roots music which they are known for far and wide. It is not a classically "Blues" C, less urban and more firmly on the Americana-Roots side but the variety and authencity of their unique sound makes for enjoyable listening. Interestingly, while I and two of my children lean more towards Coco's CD, my wife and the other two children preferred the Holmes Brothers.

Two different but excellent CDs for the WWPV studio collection of New Blues for Youse. As per TMB tradition, any request for a track from a CD in the fabled "Black Box of Blues" gets immediate and special treatment. Both of this CDs are definitely in the "Triple-B"

Very Best Regards,

John "OneChord" Connors

Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Music : Sean Carney

I know...I am *way* behind on my reviews. It can be so hard to write reviews especially when you unexpectedly come across great new music. Thanks to the Internet, the chances of learning about great new music has improved greatly. Via BoogieKingSteve's recommendation, I was able to listen to a few tracks from The Sean Carney Band's latest CD, "Life of Ease" and was hooked from the first play.

Based out of Columbus Ohio, Sean Carney plays and sings his original tunes and covers with soul and a feel that would not be out of place in Chicago, San Franciso , New York or any urban city claiming to be the latest bastion of "Real Blues". Sean is the real deal with the real feel on how to play those solid, swanky, deep Blues tunes. The type of Blues played a small mature club that when Sean starts playing, you sink a little deeper into your favorite booth, motion the waitress over for another adult beverage, and hope that your credit card company claims of no pre-set spending limits were true because you know are staying until last call and hopefully the after-hours party as well.

I could go into one of those formal reviews discussing his influences, his style, and great guest musicians but I will not this evening. I will say that when I want to listen to some Blues and still not sure what I am in the mood for. "Life of Ease" seems to find the CD player and I have yet to be disappointed. If was in the Columbus, Ohio area, I would be posting his show calendar on my fridge. The next best thing, I can listen to "Life of Ease" yet again with a smile as big and broad as the first time I listened to it.

In summary : It's a Keeper.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Another great venue for Live Music : Blue Star Cafe!

Happy New Year Fans of "Those Monday Blues" -

If you have listened to my show even once, you know that I am a huge fan of the local music scene especially live music by our very own local Blues artists. I am a little behind in my reviews but better late than never. In my previous review, I mentioned seeing The Greg Izor Band at the Lincoln Inn during their weekly Blues Night. Greg indicated that the band would be playing at the Blue Star Cafe in Winooski, Saturday, Dec. 27th. This was a new place for me and a new place for live music. A new place to hear a great Blues band, what could be better?

After playing a nominal cover charge, I entered a small tasteful jazzy environment with exposed brick, interesting photos on the walls, booths, couches, and a short bar. A perfect atomsphere for a intimate upclose performance with a tight quartet, The Greg Izor Band, consisting of Greg Izor (vocals/harmonica), Bill Darrow (guitar), Tom Buckley (Bass), and Jason Corbriere (drums). These four know how to fill a big room with a great Blues sound but it is even better in a smaller space where everyone feels like they are "sitting in". Greg, Jason, Tom, and Bill really connected with the audience in a way that is only possible in place like the Blue Star Cafe. With an well appointed bar stock, I sipped a 12 year old Tullamore Dew and listening to a great Blues riffs from only a few feet away. If you have never experienced this type of musical venue, you should make the effort. Not only do you really get to see the band play, you can really see how they play. They see the faces in the audience and the band members see ours. In Blues, this can really amp up the performance and make it even more personable. Where the members are trading jibes and jokes with the audience, even while they are playing, makes for a personal musical experience that will never be replicated with an iPod or in a larger room with hundreds of people. Another great aspect of the evening was the number of other musicians in the audience who were asked by Greg to "sit in" and play. Not only all fun and energetic players, but brought a sense of community and muscianship that was shared by all in the room. Needless to say, I had a great time. The Blue Star's staff, Ben & Sarah, were there to take care of the various requests for libsations for the band and guests.

It was a great evening. I hope the Blue Star continues to offer live music in the future. They have a great space for small groups who love to interacts with their audience. Sadly, the music was great. My 12-year old irish whiskey was great but I didn't have time to sample the interesting menu or coffee. Apparently, judging from the menu and later on-line materials, the Blue Star Cafe is associated with a coffee roasting company. I was interest was peaked. You all know how I crave an excellent dark roast. I hope to return to the Blue Star and let you all know the coffee and the food is, you already know I approve of their musical taste.

Best Wishes & Happy New Year,
