Monday, May 15, 2006

New Music from Popa Chubby, Smokin' Joe Kubek & Bnois King

Hi Ho TMB Fans!

Yes!!! WWPV just received the lastest CD releases of Popa Chubby's "Stealin the Devil's Guitar" and "Smokin' Joe Kubek & Bnois King", "My Heart's in Texas".

I will definitely be playing some tracks from both of these CDs. Popa's CD got a full hearing in my mobile studio (my car) and was found to be very impressive. Popa's diversity within the Blues genre continues to amaze me, from slow burn soulful vocals to cutting-edge Blues rock. This could be his best CD ever. Smokin' Joe & Bnois King turn in, once again, a full fledge, dynamic live session CD.

Blues...just great live.




Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

JohnCVermont said...

Thank you for the comments and kind words.
