Monday, May 08, 2006

Premiere of "Those Monday Blues", Monday, 5p-8pm EST

Hello TMB Fans -

Here is the "executive summary" ...

"Those Monday Blues"
Monday, 5pm - 8pm EST
Request Line : 802-654-2887
AOL/AIM Screenname : WWPV887

Just a little announcement, the regular WWPV programming is done for the school year but "Those Midnight Blues" will not be disappearing from the schedule..per se. My show has been granted a coveted 5pm-8pm time slot on Mondays for the summer. Just as importantly, I don't have to change the "TMB" acronym. While the show's name was changed from "Those Midnight Blues" to "Those Monday Blues", it will be the same great Blues music except I will have 3 hours instead of two. Due to the earlier time slot, I am hoping for a variety of interesting guests & co-hosts that an earlier time slot can afford. Sadly, one of the biggest drawbacks will be having to turn down the volume which is not a problem at midnight in a nearly empty building. At 5pm, I will have to be more conscious of the neighbors.

My format will largely be the same but I am going to try to tighten it up ...just a tad. :-) Nah!!! It will be the same blocks of acoustic blues, electric blues, all decades, all genres with special emphasis on women who sing the Blues, local & regional Blues artists, and New Blues Releases as I can get them. In addition, I will be adding a local Blues event calendar segment at 20 minutes after the hour after the first public service announcment. As per TMB tradition, I will always endeavor to be fulfill requests from the listeners. The listeners are where I get my best ideas. :-)

I will probably leave the blog's name and show's name on the playlist service the same for now.



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