Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day Show, Sept 4! Be there! ...or not.

Hello Fans of "Those Monday Blues" -

Yes, there will be a Labor Day show this week. Although WWPV is operating on an abbreviated schedule, "Those Monday Blues" will be broadcasting on the Labor Day holiday. While I did work today, so did so many others. No worries here, It was a quiet day on campus.

Give me a call during the show....802-654-2887. It is going to be quite random today. I am going to stick to the format of acoustic Blues and related roots music in the first hour but after that I am open to suggestions, advice, comments and questions from the listeners.

You can also "IM" me at AOL/AIM screen name of WWPV887. As usual, I will do my best to fulfill your requests.

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