Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday Morning Meditation with The Blues

Hello TMB Fans -

A huge shoutout (belated, but sincere) to Jim Branca and Tom Buckley for their tremendous live performance on "Those Monday Blues" back on August 20th. Jim, Tom and Marnie were wonderful guests and the music was great. Next time, I will take pictures so you can see the studio filled with musicians including a full upright bass, brought to life by Tommy. The acoustic upright bass, along with Jim's guitar and vocals made for a uniquely intimate musical experience. It is always great to be in the same room with the musicians as they are playing. Blues, Jazz, nearly all kinds of music is best when heard performed live. We are so fortunate to live in Burlington where we have a host of venues to listen to live music from dedicated passionate musicians.

Speaking of live music venues, right now, as I type this, I am listen to a wonderful acoustic/acoustic blues performance by Jerry Craft at the New Moon Cafe/Espresso Bar on Cherry Street in downtown Burlington. I was wondering around downtown about 8:40am lamenting the fact that I would have to wait until at least 9am to patronize a locally owned coffee establishment. As I was walking down Cherry street, just down from the First Congregational Church, I noticed that the usually broaded-up Knight of Columbus hall was replace with a new eatery, New Moon was open. I just had to go in. Eatery, esspresso bar, or hangout, call it what you will, it could very well become my new place for my Sunday Morning Meditation. Of course, the free wifi and leather couches have a lot to do with that. The spacious cosmoplitian ambience, varied & interesting menu, friendly & helpful staff and excellent coffee was enough to seal the deal. What sealed and tied up this deal with a glorious bow was the unexpected surprise of live music. As I reclining deep into one of the leather couches, Jerry Craft came in and start setting up. I was delighted to hear that he was a fan of Robert Johnson and the "Old School" of acoustic blues. His masterful smooth playing displayed not only the best of the old influences but his own own originality. I look forward to hearing Jerry play around town. Maybe, he will honor my show in the future with a live, in-studio performance...hint, hint.

Before I go, I wanted to mention that I caught another live performance of the Left Eye Jump Blues Band at the Backstage Restaurant in Essex Junction. As per Left Eye's tradition, Denny Willmott was out front with his big guitar, big as life and bringing honest live Blues to Vermont. (thank you) "Harmonica" Bob MacKenzie was sitting in again bring that "West Coast Harp" we all know and love. Left Eye is great to watch especially as they loosen up and have fun. At the beginning of the last set, they fell into this huge great groove, deep in the pocket, they just hang out there having fun. It was a huge treat. This is the best thing about live performance with great musicians who are comfortable with their audience, the unexpected ad hoc innovations and "aw hell, let's go with it" improvisations. These are moments, rarely caught in a recording, of musical inspirations and just plain fun where the only thing you can honestly say is "You Just Had to Be There".

Well, gotta run, just wanted to say again, make the time to get out of the house, find a comfy place to sit, order a beverage of your choice, and enjoy some live music. All you have to do is show up.

